Format description: BarcodeList


Barcodes are used only for simple contact lenses which are sold very often and therefore are in stock at the shop. Only for such products barcodes are useful and available. Barcodes make the stock management easier. The entry of articles can easily be done by reading the barcode instead of entering the data manually. After selling the product the optician only reads the barcode to actualise the stock management. One barcode describes exact one product configuration.

Most of the suppliers are using only one barcode for all private labels. That means there is no difference between the barcode of PrivatelabelX and PrivatelabelY. The rules which product the client gets is defined internally at the supplier.

Validation is based on most recent schema version. It is available under the following URL:

Barcode list Web service

The barcode lists Web service enables the customer to download individual barcode lists according to his individual catalog, i.e. for each customer group assigned to the customer a barcode list is generated. The barcode lists will be returned as a set in a zip file.

The availability of barcodes for an article is defined in the catalog with the feature BarcodesAvailable. Default value is “false”, i.e. only when in the article this feature is defined with “true” the barcode lists Web services will deliver barcodes for this article even if an corresponding list is available in the system.

The service provides a barcode list with the customer-specific label names. This name must be stored in the appropriate file in the article master data administration.

Document structure

A barcodelist is built by the element Articles containing one ore more elements Article (different articles) with one ore more elements Configuration (Combinations of product features). One configuration has one corresponding barcode. For each barcode type (UPC, EAN,…) there is a feature.

Element BarcodeList

Attribute Type / Use Description / Example
barcodeListID xs:string required Unique ID of the barcode list (e.g. 2013-06-20)
barcodeListDescription xs:string optional Short description of the barcode list (e.g. Woehlk - barcode list 2013 of whole sortiment)
supplierID xs:string required Unique ID of the supplier (e.g. DE813058544)
supplierName xs:string optional Supplier name (e.g. Woehlk)
generationDate xs:dateTime optional Date and time of the barcode list generation (e.g. 2013-06-20T11:48:34)

Example XML code for a complete barcode list

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<BarcodeList xmlns:xsi=""
barcodeListID="2017-02-20" barcodeListDescription="Produktsortiment Alcon 2017"
supplierID="DE142102094" supplierName="Alcon Pharma"
<Article articleID="FND" articleName="Test lens 1">
        <Feature templateID="UpcCode" selectedValue="749590144823"/>
        <Feature templateID="Sphere" selectedValue="4.00"/>
        <Feature templateID="Cylinder" selectedValue="0.00"/>
        <Feature templateID="AxisCylinder" selectedValue="0"/>
        <Feature templateID="Diameter" selectedValue="13.8"/>
        <Feature templateID="UpcCode" selectedValue="749590144830"/>
        <Feature templateID="Sphere" selectedValue="3.75"/>
        <Feature templateID="Cylinder" selectedValue="0.00"/>
        <Feature templateID="AxisCylinder" selectedValue="0"/>
        <Feature templateID="Diameter" selectedValue="13.8"/>
<Article articleID="FNA" articleName="Test lens 2">
        <Feature templateID="UpcCode" selectedValue="749590144847"/>
        <Feature templateID="Sphere" selectedValue="3.50"/>
        <Feature templateID="Cylinder" selectedValue="0.00"/>
        <Feature templateID="AxisCylinder" selectedValue="0"/>
        <Feature templateID="Diameter" selectedValue="13.8"/>
        <Feature templateID="UpcCode" selectedValue="749590144824"/>
        <Feature templateID="Sphere" selectedValue="3.50"/>
        <Feature templateID="Cylinder" selectedValue="0.50"/>
        <Feature templateID="AxisCylinder" selectedValue="0"/>
        <Feature templateID="Diameter" selectedValue="13.8"/>
        <Feature templateID="UpcCode" selectedValue="749590144859"/>
        <Feature templateID="Sphere" selectedValue="3.50"/>
        <Feature templateID="Cylinder" selectedValue="1.00"/>
        <Feature templateID="AxisCylinder" selectedValue="0"/>
        <Feature templateID="Diameter" selectedValue="13.8"/>

Attributes of the element Article

Attribute Type / Use Description / Example
articleID xs:string required Article ID at supplier (e.g. A2780)
articleName xs:string optional Article name (e.g. Contact Life Spheric Box)
Contact / Legal